

前回「Rock5B(2)SDがだめでした」でKIOXIAの16GB UHS-1のならRadxaのubuntuイメージ起動できたと報告したが、今度はこのSDでもarmbianが起動できない。


Step one: Requirements
ROCK 5B board with power supply
a microSD card, larger than 8GB, class 10 or better
a microSD card reader, either a USB card reader or the SD card reader on laptop
a PC/laptop running Windows or Linux or MacOS

Preparing SD card?
Important note: Make sure you use a good, reliable and fast SD card. If you encounter boot or stability troubles in over 95 percent of the time it is either insufficient power supply or related to SD card (bad card, bad card reader, something went wrong when burning the image, card too slow to boot – ‘Class 10’ highly recommended!). Armbian can simply not run on unreliable hardware so checking your SD card with either F3 or H2testw is mandatory if you run in problems. Since counterfeit SD cards are still an issue checking with F3/H2testw directly after purchase is highly recommended.

Write the .xz compressed image with a tool USBImager or balenaEtcher on all platforms since, unlike other tools, either can validate written data saving you from corrupted SD card contents.

 We recommend at least A1 rated SD-Cards (A2 rated cards need yet lacking driver support and therefore show lower overall and especially random IO performance). For example:


95% 以上の確率で起動または安定性に関する問題が発生した場合、それは電源供給が不十分であるか、SD カードに関連しているかのいずれかです 
KIOXIAの16GB UHS-1はA1ではなかった。sundiskのultraはA1でした。



Windows 10 デフォルトゲートウェイに0.0.0.0が追加される

iOS VLC でSMB共有できなかった点について

無線LANルータの選択肢が、NEC Aterm 静的ルーティングできない問題