Google Apps Manager(GAM)でユーザー管理

2019.1.13 いろいろ変わってるみたいで.こちらも

1.GAM Windows板をダウンロード(ダウンロードのページに移動してall downloadsを押さないと表示されないかも)


> set http_proxy=
> set https_proxy=
4.Google Codeに管理者権限でアクセス


5. ドメイン情報を取得

>gam info domain

GAM is made possible and maintained by the work of Dito. Who is Dito?

Dito is solely focused on moving organizations to Google's cloud.  After hundred
s of successful deployments over the last 5 years, we have gained notoriety for
our complete understanding of the platform, our change management & training abi
lity, and our rock-star deployment engineers.  We are known worldwide as the Goo
gle Apps Experts.

Want to learn more about Dito? Hit Y to visit our website (you can switch back t
o this window when you're done). Hit Enter to continue without visiting Dito:


Select the authorized scopes for this token. Include a 'r' to grant read-only
access or an 'a' to grant action-only access.

[*]  0)  Group Directory API (supports read-only)
[*]  1)  Organizational Unit Directory API (supports read-only)
[*]  2)  User Directory API (supports read-only)
[*]  3)  Chrome OS Device Directory API (supports read-only)
[*]  4)  Mobile Device Directory API (supports read-only and action)
[*]  5)  User Email Settings API
[*]  6)  Calendar Resources API
[*]  7)  Audit Monitors, Activity and Mailbox Exports API
[*]  8)  Admin Settings API
[*]  9)  Groups Settings API
[*] 10)  Calendar Data API (supports read-only)
[*] 11)  Audit Reports API
[*] 12)  Usage Reports API
[*] 13)  Drive API (create report documents for admin user only)
[*] 14)  License Manager API
[*] 15)  User Security Directory API
[*] 16)  Notifications Directory API
[*] 17)  Site Verification API
(*) 18)  IMAP/SMTP Access (send notifications to admin)

     19)  Select all scopes
     20)  Unselect all scopes

     21)  Continue

必要なものだけ選択(上の設定ではすべて選択) 21を入力して エンター

WARNING: Please configure OAuth 2.0

To make GAM run you will need to populate the client_secrets.json file
found at:


with information from the APIs Console <>.




Windows 10 デフォルトゲートウェイに0.0.0.0が追加される

iOS VLC でSMB共有できなかった点について

無線LANルータの選択肢が、NEC Aterm 静的ルーティングできない問題